PLAB 2 Foundation course the set for the beginners to start their preparation with our expert team without spending huge amount of money. It helps you to build very strong foundations for the final preparation of PLAB 2 exam. In our course you will find extremely helpful knowledge which will not only help you pass your exam but also help you working with confidence after passing your exam.
We have created nearly 400 different scenarios and arranged them in different categories so that our subscribers could get maximum benefit. Our course is extremely organised and the use of advance technology offers you a lot of benefits which will help you keep a good control on your preparation.
If you want to learn everything for PLAB2 preparation, you can choose to subscribe for this course. This course enrolls you in our PLAB2 Foundation Course and PLAB2 Smart Course and gives you access to all our activities. By choosing this course you will get full access to the following:
PLAB2 Foundation Course
- 10-days teaching and training starting from scratch
- Access to online notes and recorded sessions
- Supervised practice with excellent feedbacks
- Pay once only
- Unlimited sessions
PLAB2 Smart Course
- High-Standard Simman Workshops
- Mannikins and clinical examinations
- Supervised practice on high-yield scenarios
- Carousel mocks
- Prescription writing
- Teaching scenarios
- Special session on NEW STATIONS
- 24/7 access to the academy practice area
- Practice kit (with all the equipments for practice on mannikins including cannula, catheter, venepuncture material, tegaderm and prescription copies)
- Two high-standard mocks
- Post PLAB support
- CV writing and help with job applications
- Interview preparation